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The times that we are a part of are some of the most tumultuous and the amount of stress that people face on a daily basis are simply too much. This is a reason there is an increase in the unhappiness quotient and also why people are getting more aggressive day by day. One very effective way to mediate this issue is through meditation, and perhaps the best solution is yoga.

The ancient Vedic art of using breathing exercises to calm the body and soothe the mind can now be learnt almost everywhere on earth, but the best place to pick it up still India. For some that may seem very cumbersome. But the fact that you get it to learn it from the very gurus who have studied the teachings for years and combine that with a certification from Yoga Alliance, USA; which can be used to teach the subject to people all over the world is fantastic.

Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is a great place to learn the art. You can find more than just enlightenment at the foothills of the mountains, near the Ganges. The climate and the people there will help your stay feel more homely. You will be provided with accommodation along with some satvic (simple) food for sustenance and cleansing purposes. Apart from this, you will get to learn the asanas and the pranayamas, along with meditation techniques which the gurus have used for years. Such knowledge can only be picked up from the birthplace of Yoga.

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